Do you want to attract... Coach Companies Group Travel Organisers Special Interest Groups Exclusive use Groups of Family & Friends Social Leisure Groups and more? Then this is an invaluable day for your business Learn how to be Group Travel optimised and how to promote your business to relevant organisers and groups. THURSDAY 12 OCTOBER 2023 Join Team ESL with Group Travel expert Mark Hooper and Accessible Herefordshire for a masterclass to fastrack the return of much needed group travel to you and Herefordshire. Held in the beautiful surroundings of Brobury House Gardens & Walled Garden Cafe, the day will include Professional direction on how to attract and market to different group travel sectors Networking
Refreshments & Lunch Tips on how to be more Accessible & Inclusive Garden Tour and lots of Q&As ACCESS BY BOOKING ONLY - open to Members AND Non-Members Outstanding value £17.00 Members £21.00 Non-Members